Cố vấn khoa học cấp cao từ điện gió bảo vệ môi trường biển

Đăng vào lúc 30/08/2022




1) 1998-2001                 

PhD, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), 195196 Russia, Saint Petersburg, Malookhtinsky prospect, 98

2) 1986-1991                 

B.S., Engineer, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), 195196 Russia, Saint Petersburg, Malookhtinsky prospect, 98

Major field of study: Oceanography, Marine Environment

3) 1985-1986               

Hanoi University, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi

Major field of study: Russian Language, English Language


             Principle Researcher, Vietnam Institute of Seas and Islands (VISI),

Vietnam Administration of Seas and Islands, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


  1. Du Van Toan and at all, 2019. Usability and challenges of offshore wind energy in Vietnam revealed by the regional climate model simulation. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere. Meteorological Society of Japan, 2019 Volume 15 Pages 113-118.
  2. Du Van Toan and at all, 2018. Numerical Approach for Studying Offshore Wind Power Potential Along the Southern Coast of Vietnam. Proceedings of the 1st Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore EngineeringSpringer Nature Singapore. Pp 252- 258. ISBN 978-981-13-2306-5
  3. Du Van Toan and at all, 2018. The Zoning of Offshore Wind Energy Resources in the Vietnam Sea. Proceedings of the 1st Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering. Springer Nature Singapore. Pp 246-251. ISBN 978-981-13-2306-5
  4. Du Van Toan and at all, 2017. Potential wave energy in the world ocean and Vietnam Sea. Journal of Climate change science, Volume 2, 2017.
  5. Du Van Toan and at all, 2017. Potential offshore wind energy in the Vietnam sea. Journal of Climate change science, Volume 2, 2017.
  6. Du Van Toan, 2011. Marine renewable energy and development proposal for Viet Nam. Proceeding of the second Vietnam National Congress on Marine Energy. Ha Noi, November 16, 2011. –P.66-74. (In Vietnamese).
  7. Du Van Toan and at all, 2007. Some feature of tidal plants in the coastal zone of Vietnam. Proceeding of The Fist Vietnam National Congress on Marine Energy. Ha Long, October 16, 2007. –P.66-74. (In Vietnamese).
  8. Du Van Toan, 2006. Astronomical tidal energy in the South China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. T.6. -Vol.2. -P. 1-14. (In Vietnamese).
  9. Du Van Toan, 2005. Tidal Energy’s Structure in the East Vietnam Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. T.5. -Vol.3. -P. 1-13. (In Vietnamese).
  10. Du Van Toan, 2005. A 2-d hydro-dynamical model for tidal calculation for the East Vietnam Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. T.5. -Vol.1. -P. 1-14. (In Vietnamese).
  11. Du Van Toan, 2004. Tidal Energy of the East Vietnam Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. T.4. -Vol.1. -P. 52-65. (In Vietnamese)
  12. Du Van Toan, 2001. Energetic characteristic of the Tides in the South China Sea. –Bull. Of RSHU. -P. 109 – 112. -St. Petersburg. (In Russian)
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